The Power of Movement: My Journey to Motherhood

While on holiday in Mallorca with my husband last summer, I uncovered the most beautiful secret—I was pregnant. Those two pink lines lit up my world, filling my heart with joy and love. In that magical moment, I knew my life was about to change in the most extraordinary way. Eager to dive into the adventure of motherhood, I embraced every twist and turn. I wanted to make this journey healthy and happy for both me and my baby, I couldn't wait to begin this incredible new chapter. I was so ready for it!

As the weeks turned into months, I stuck to my workout routine with some modifications, but I was constantly anxious about whether I was doing the right movements or pushing too hard. My sister, Nadine Kassem, who runs a gym in Toronto and an online fitness training program called Athletes Diary, was my mentor throughout. She guided me through each session, ensuring I lifted weights safely and effectively. There were days when it wasn't easy, but every kick and flutter from my baby reminded me why I was doing it. Those gym sessions became my way of bonding with my baby. With 90s music pumping through my headphones, I felt the energy of my favorite throwback tunes pushing me forward. Every rep and every set made my body stronger and more resilient.

Eating right was another cornerstone of my journey. Every meal was a deliberate choice to nourish myself and my baby, featuring fresh fruits, vegetables, loads of proteins, and whole grains. Each bite felt like a promise to provide the best start for my little one.

As my due date approached, I remained committed to my workouts. Even at 40 weeks, I was still moving, lifting (safely), and still dedicated to staying active. It wasn’t always easy, but it made me feel powerful and prepared. I trusted in the strength of my body and believed that all this effort would pay off, giving both me and my baby the best foundation for a healthy, happy start.

When Labor Day finally arrived (nearly a week late!), I was more than ready. I wanted that baby to pop out already! The hours that followed were intense—filled with pain, exhaustion, and moments of pure joy and determination. My fitness routine had prepped me for this marathon. Every single day at the gym had been worth it. I drew on the strength I'd built over the months, and it carried me through. I was surprised by how strong I was, and so was my husband. Post-labor recovery was another challenge, but my active lifestyle helped me bounce back faster. My body, accustomed to the demands I placed on it, responded with remarkable resilience.

Holding my baby for the first time was indescribable. It was like the whole world had paused to celebrate this tiny, perfect miracle. Looking back, I know that my commitment to fitness and health played a huge role in shaping my pregnancy experience. It wasn’t just about staying in shape; it was about embracing the journey with so much love and strength.

To all the moms and moms-to-be out there, this journey is yours to embrace. Lift those weights (safely), eat those nourishing foods, and trust in your body’s incredible power. Every moment, from the first flutter to the final push, is part of the beautiful adventure of motherhood. Embrace it with all your heart, and know that you’re building the best possible foundation for you and your baby. For pregnancy and postpartum workout support, reach out to my sister Nadine Kassem at Athletes Diary. She has been a game-changer in my journey, and I can't recommend her enough. Now pregnant with a baby girl and as fit as ever, she's the perfect mentor to guide you through!




Rewriting My Story: How Motherhood Inspired Me to Finally Follow My Heart